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My Go To Keratosis Pilaris, KP, Regimen

I've struggled with KP for as long as I've struggled with acne. Decades. KP, those annoying little red bumps on the back of your arms, sometimes on your bum and thighs too, are very stubborn. They contain keratin, which is different than what gets trapped in an acne breakout, and from my experience, much harder to clear up. There's no cycle to it, the rough bumpy patches just stick around, literally, and indefinitely.

From the Mayo Clinic: "Keratosis pilaris results from the buildup of keratin — a hard protein that protects skin from harmful substances and infection. The keratin forms a scaly plug that blocks the opening of the hair follicle. Usually many plugs form, causing patches of rough, bumpy skin."

My go to KP regimen focuses on continuously exfoliating the affected skin through a combination of soaking in our Clarifying Sea Salt blend and daily use of the Skintox Activated Charcoal Salt Bar and/or Pomegranate Buff. Here are the deets:

Soak in the Clarifying Salt Treatment 2-3 times per week for the first 4 weeks. And then at least once a week as maintenance. Soaking in the saltwater gives the sodium chloride and sea minerals more time to get to work breaking down the glue that binds those epidermal cells together and creates the bumps. The sodium chloride keeps gently exfoliating the excess cells and whisking them away as you soak. It takes about a month for the soaks to really shed that top layer of skin and allow the next layer to stay smooth.

Use the Pomegranate De-Bump Salt Buff and/or Skintox Activated Charcoal Salt Bar daily, even on days when you soak. I prefer to use the Skintox Activated Charcoal Salt Bar daily because I find the bar lasts a little longer than the Scrub. But many customers prefer the Buff. The Buff provides both physical exfoliation and balancing hydration through Organic Oils.  The Charcoal Bar exfoliates but not physically. Dissolved sea salt and charcoal get to work breaking down those annoying "chicken skin" patches and balance skin as well through Organic Olive Oil and Organic Coconut Oil. 

Feel free to share your KP experiences in the comments and any helpful tips!



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